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Better To Understand Improve Our Security.

Sept 25 2021

Better To Understand Improve Our Security Blog Article

What Is Vulnerability assessment & Penetration Testing

vulnerability assessment & penetration testing is a precise specialized way to deal with locate the security escape clauses in a system or programming framework. It is a process to secure the entire network from attackers.

Vulnerability assessment tools discover which vulnerabilities are there to tackle, but they do not differentiate between flaws that can be used to cause damage and those that cannot. Vulnerability scanners alert companies to the preexisting flaws in their code and where they are located. Penetration tests look to exploit the vulnerabilities in a system to determine whether illegal access or other malicious activity is possible and identify which faults pose a threat to the application. Penetration tests find exploitable weakness and measure the danger of each. A penetration test is meant to show how damaging a flaw could be in a real attack.Together, penetration testing and vulnerability assessment provide a detailed picture of the faults that exist in an application and the risks associated with those fragility.


It is almost inevitable to protect your business from cyber attack if it doesn’t have a robust cyber security system. A single incident of cyber attack can cost heavily- financial loss, data loss and loss of goodwill. The biggest challenge in cyber security space is that threats continue to increase and evolve with time.

To some extent, firewalls and anti-virus software can block attack vectors. But no protection method is totally attack-proof. In order to keep your business safe from cyber attacks you must understand the various loopholes that makes it easy for attackers to exploit your systems, applications and networks.

vulnerability assessment & penetration testing is a precise specialized way to deal with locate the security escape clauses in a system or programming framework. It is a process to secure the entire network from attackers.


VAPT provides enterprises with a more comprehensive application evaluation than any single test alone. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing together gives an organization a more detailed view of the threats facing its applications, enabling it to better protect its systems and data from malicious attacks. Vulnerabilities can be found in applications from third-party vendors and internally made software, but most of these flaws can be easily treated once diagnosed. VAPT by 4IR Research Labs enables IT security teams to focus on mitigating critical vulnerabilities while the we continue to discover and classify vulnerabilities.

When selecting a vapt provider, it's essential to look for an organisation with the necessary accreditation, expertise and experience to not only identify risk, but also provide the support needed to address them .
Swiftsafe can be trusted to meet your VAPT requirements. Our security consultant are among the highest qualified in the industry, so you can be confident that a swiftsafe vapt engagement will provide the outcomes and complete post- test care neede to level up your organisation's cyber security.

SwiftSafe Blog Author


James Maverick


Application Programming Interface


Building An IoT Device Is Required With An IoT Security

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